
Creating My Modified CD Ladder

Here’s how a normal CD ladder is setup – You have a lump amount to invest in CDs.  Instead of buying one CD, for a specific maturity date, you spread your investment out, over several CDs, all with different maturity dates.  For instance, assume you had $10,000.  You could create a CD ladder which looked like this – Amount Term…

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Saving Money, Savings

Savings Account Allocation Breakdown

I’m a big fan of setting goals and creating plans – both short-term and long-term.  It’s important to me to clearly define my financial goals, because I’m trying to live my life without borrowing money.  Obviously, this means that I need cash – and quite a bit of it – in my savings account. I only have one savings account,…

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Emergency Fund, Goals, Savings

Updating My Non-Retirement Savings Chart

One of my goals for 2008 is to rebuild my non-retirement savings. In 2007, we purchased a new-to-us minivan and in early 2008, we had a new baby (and purchased several baby-related items). These expenses worked together to dramatically reduce our non-retirement savings and I’ve been working diligently to rebuild them. I just made a transfer from my primary checking…

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