Goals, Motivation

When all is Said and Done, it is the Done that Counts

When all is said and done, it is the done that counts. Lots of folks spend their time talking about their problems, especially their financial problems.  Only a select few ever commit to the task of fixing those problems.  The talking is important, but only if it actually leads to real changes.  Decisions must be made, goals must be created,…

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Making Plans For An Awesome 2012

2011 was an amazing year for me and my family.  I am excited about 2012 – and I thought I would share a few of the plans I have for the coming year. Writing – In 2011, time available for writing was extremely limited.  Thankfully, my schedule has settled a bit, and my passion for writing appears to have returned. …

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Goals, Savings

Savings Goals Listed By Priority

One of my main goals is to live the rest of my life without having to borrow any more money. At present, my wife and I are consumer-debt free and we are working hard to pay off our mortgage. In order to remain debt free, it is important that we think both short-term and long-term about our savings goals. I…

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