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I Only Need 9 Diggs! (From my Podcast Page)

The following is a duplicate article from my No Credit Needed Podcast Page:

If 9 of you would follow the link below and “digg my podcast”, I could make it to the front page under Business Podcasts. Think about it! I’m an independent podcaster, recording from my laundry room with a headset microphone, and I could be on “equal footing” with Cramer, Business Week, and even Dave Ramsey! Show me some love!

3 thoughts on “I Only Need 9 Diggs! (From my Podcast Page)

  1. I don’t fit into this category, but its an interesting viewpoint…

    Are Americans saving too much?
    A few economists challenge accepted notions of planning for retirement

    New York Times

    Could it be possible that many Americans are saving too much for their retirement?

    Such an idea would fly in the face of almost every exhortation to a nation of spendthrifts that saving more is an imperative. After all, even as people are living longer, corporate pension plans and Social Security can no longer be relied on to ease most Americans through their retirement years. Fidelity, the nation’s largest provider of workplace retirement savings plans, says the average 401(k) account balance is only $62,000.

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