NCN News

Some More No Credit Needed

After a long conversation with my wife, she has encouraged me to continue writing here at No Credit Needed.  She knows how important the site is to me.  So, please disregard the previous post, where I declared that I would no longer be writing articles for No Credit Needed.

I want to thank those who left comments and sent emails.  My wife and I were touched by your kind words.  No Credit Needed is more than just a site, it is an experiment – to see if we can live without borrowing money.  I want to thank those of you who have supported the site, and with the support of my awesome wife, I am happy to say that I the site, and the experiment, will continue.


11 thoughts on “Some More No Credit Needed

  1. I think that is a wise move, to cut back on content for other sites. You need to pay yourself first with your own content and understand that saying no, is okay.

    Sorry to see you go and welcome back. That was quick.


  2. Ha ha, well most of us have done more hasty things after a similar row with the spouse. Welcome, er, back!

  3. I think it’s smart to scale back elsewhere rather than walking away entirely, at least for a trial period to see how it goes. Speaking from experience, it’s very easy to get caught up in the moment, launch a new site, and spread yourself too thin. As with all things, balance is the key.

  4. Nice to have you back NCN. Your advice and insights means a lot to your readers and to other pf bloggers like Wise Bread. Things just wouldn’t be the same without you.

    This is a great time for pf bloggers. There are so many opportunities flying at us that it might be a little overwhelming at times. If you ever just want to chat you know where to find me. 🙂

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