
Relaxing At The Beach And Taking A Stroll Through My Blogroll

Wow. The condominium that we are staying at is amazing. The weather has been wonderful, the pool is kid friendly, and we are having a great time. Tonight, we went to the local marina and watched several boats go by. My son was fascinated!

One day, I’d love to retire and live at the beach. To that end, this week’s Stroll Through My Blogroll is all about retirement, investing, and saving money –

Mighty Bargain Hunter writes about the age old issue – investing or debt reduction. I go with debt reduction, first, then investing – with a little saving mixed in.

Lazy Man details his Roth IRA investments. He’s looking outside of the U.S.

The Digerati Life looks at investing in rental properties. Hey, I’m renting this condominium for a week, so there must be some money to be made in the rental business.

Gen X reviewed 20 books about investing and retirement. I’ve read some of these.

Money Smart Life has several ways to save money when taking your children to amusement parks. Our kids hate costumed characters, so most amusement parks are out for us.

Million Dollar Journey reminds us that our retirement accounts are not our emergency funds. Great post.

My Dollar Plan ranked various personal finance blogs by their number of RSS readers. Check it out, No Credit Needed is in the top 10!

My Two Dollars has 10 websites where you can manage your money – for free! How awesome is that?

Paid Twice is working to get everyone involved with debt reduction. The family that reduces debt together, stays together!

Blunt Money has several savings buckets. Right now, we are hyper-focused on retirement savings – especially if it means that we can live at the beach!

Five Cent Nickel is looking for inexpensive long distance. We have a flat-rate plan for $30.

Consumerism Commentary was interviewed by the Wall Street Journal. Rock on!

All Financial Matters wants to know how long you’d wait in line for $40 gas? Gas is expensive, but I think I could find something better to do with my time than wait in line.

Wise Bread compares the Roth 401k and the Traditional 401k. I have a 403b but might switch to a Roth 403b next year.

Get Rich Slowly teaches a 4 year old about money. I have a 4 year old and he’s already learning to give, save, and spend.

Free Money Finance summarizes The Little Book of Common Sense Investing. I love, love, love this book.

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