Welcome to the 129th edition of the Carnival of Debt Reduction.
Personal Stories About Debt And Debt Reduction –
DebtFree Revolution is debt free! Read this post and celebrate this awesome accomplishment.
College of Cash has created a plan to attack debt.
BeingFrugal has an interesting post about ‘waking up’ and a financial epiphany.
Antishay presents the first in a three-part series about getting into and out of debt.
ThriftyFloridaMama suggests that giving kids an allowance can help with debt reduction.
SmartEasyMoney has begun to implement the ever-popular snowflaking technique.
Me Vs. Debt has a debt snowball dilemma.
Thoughts About Credit Issues –
Bible Money Matters has 7 tips for improving a FICO score.
Free Money Finance writes about mortgages and refinancing.
Squawk Fox has some thoughts about ‘good debt’.
PTMoney has some some thoughts about the role of credit.
Funny About Money has some thoughts about the current mortgage crisis.
Not The Jet Set has some thoughts about delaying a purchase.
Paid Twice reviews the idea of a debt snowball.
Ideas For Improving Finances –
The Happy Rock reminds us to go big or go home.
American Consumer suggests some ideas for living on one income.
Butler Project has suggestions for resisting the urge to spend money.
Small Cents reminds us that the little things can really add up.
Debt Prison has some ideas for saving money.
No Debt Plan writes about using a budget.
Destroy Debt reminds us the power of using a budget.
Thanks for including me, and well done!
Thanks for hosting and including me…!
Thanks for the include! Great roundup as always!
Thanks for including my post 🙂
Thanks for hosting and including my post!
Thanks for including me 🙂 and for the encouragement and compliment!
Thanks, NCN. You tha man!
Thanks for including Funny’s rant about some of the nonvictims of the mortgage crisis!
Nice round-up! I appreciate being included! –vh
Thanks for hosting. Kudos to the other CoDR bloggers, great stuff
Thanks for hosting and for including me NCN! I have linked back via: This week at the Carnivals!
Thanks so much for including me! This was my first carnival post! Yeah!