I came home from lunch to a pleasant surprise. The Consumerist linked to my article about selling baby clothes on eBay. Traffic really began to spike around 9AM Eastern. I’d like to thank the good folks over at The Consumerist for the link-love.
If you’re a longtime No Credit Needed reader, you’ll note that I’ve made massive changes to the site layout. After my recent television interview and press coverage, I received several emails from people who found the old site “difficult” to navigate. So, I’m in the process of making things easier to find and easier to read. I’ll be refining the look of site over the next few days. Please be “patient” with my progress! (Also, I’d like to thank the good folks over at the MBN Forums for their input!)
Speaking of the site, if you’d like to stay up to date with all things No Credit Needed, click here to subscribe. You’ll be glad that you did. I update this site once or twice a day with practical, easy-to-understand posts about personal finance, debt repayment, saving money, and frugal living.
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