
Free Audio Books: Classic Books, Christian Books, Entire Bible

I love my mp3 player and I really enjoy listening to audio books. But, audio books can be EXPENSIVE. I recently found a site which offers mp3 (and m4b) audio books for FREE! So, if you have a commute to face or a road trip coming up, checkout these pages for some great free audio:

Free Classic Audio Books (Authors include: Twain, Shakespeare, Melville, Conrade, Etc.)

Free Christian Audio Books (Authors include: Spurgeon, Smith, Kempis, Etc.)

Also, here’s a page where you can find free Bible audio books. (I’m an NASB guy, myself, but if you dig the KJV, this site is for you!)

If you have a link to sites with free audio books, leave a comment and share your links with the world! (Or, at least the readers of this blog!)

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