33 Days

Resource Reminder – 33 Days And 33 Ways Series

A few months ago, I put together a series of posts, focused on helping readers save money and reduce debt.  I called the series 33 Days And 33 Ways To Save Money And Reduce Debt.  (Clever title, no?)  Since then, the number of folks visiting my site and subscribing to its feed has grown, and some of you might not…

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Looking For Inspiration When The Financial News Stinks

I don’t know how closely you’ve been paying attention to the financial news, but, apparently, stock prices are falling, gas prices are rising, and Larry Kudlow is still “right on America”.  Frankly, while I watch CNBC and keep up with the stock market, I’m a “buy-and-hold” type of guy.  So, while the news looks depressing, I’m hoping that the stock…

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