
Saved Some Cash

Hi all… Not much going on with the old debt re-payment. I should send a few more bucks to the last credit card come Monday Morning. I will update then. As far as saving some money, I did 2 things that I should have done a while ago. Both prove that financial stagnation can sit in, even for those who…

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Real Food IS Expensive

Okay, this might not come as a shocker to most, but to a big-boy like me, who likes to eat junk, I realized today that “real” food can be very, very expensive. Wow. Fresh fruits and veggies can cost more than frozen or packaged, and healthy breads cost 2 or 3 times more than plain white or wheat. And organic?…

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10 Things You Can Do TODAY To Change Your Finances!

Alright, advice time. Here are 10 things you can do TODAY that can radically change your financial present and future. 1. Get organized. Go through that stack of bills, clean out your filing cabinet, balance your check book. GO…DO IT RIGHT NOW! 2. If you do not have free online bill pay, get it now. At 12 bills per month,…

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