Emergency Fund, Taxes

What To Do With A Tax Refund

My wife and I filed our taxes this evening.  The process was pretty straightforward and only took a few hours.  We have a small refund heading our way – we plan to use it to help rebuild our long-term cash savings. Over the years, we have used our tax refunds for:- funding our emergency fund, purchasing furniture for our new…

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10 Ideas For What To Do With An Income Tax Refund

I have been working on my taxes and it looks like my wife and I will be getting an income tax refund this year.  That’s good news, because we are in the process of paying off our mortgage and every extra penny counts! A certain portion of our household income comes through self-employment, so judging withholding can be a bit…

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What We Plan To Do With Our Tax Refund

I have been working on our taxes and it looks like we will be getting back a small refund – think hundreds, not thousands. My wife and I usually over-estimate withholding, just a bit, due to the fact that I have self-employment income, which tends to vary from year to year.  We prefer to send in a bit more, just…

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