Have you ever stopped to evaluate your life? Not just your job or your home or your possessions, but your LIFE? What is precious to you? Your automobile, your furniture, your paycheck, your retirement account? What really, really matters to you? Well, if you started listing what was important to you, you’d probably soon find that the real question is…
Category: Family
Funny Little Smile
I told my dad a few months back about my goal of getting debt free, and at the time, I could tell that he was relly pulling for me and that he was proud that I was doing so well. I saw him tonite and we all went out to eat. I whispered to him, “1000 left, that’s all” and…
Clean-Up, Clean-Up, Everybody Do Your Share…
(If you know what the title refers to, then you have kids, or you baby-sit, or you have a great memory of the songs of your child-hood). I spent the better part of today cleaning up our kids’ play-room. Wow. How in the world did my two children gather unto themselves more toys than Santa’s Elves make in a decade?…