
Charity Spotlight 2: St. Jude Children’s Hospital

Divorce 2 Financial Freedom highlights today’s awesome charity, St. Jude Children’s Hospital. St. Jude researches cures for cancer and other catastrophic childhood diseases. Please check out the link, and consider a donation.


Charity Spotlight 1: Child Abuse Prevention

On November 19, I wrote a post about a desire that I had to do a series of articles about worthy charities. I have received some great responses, and I will be highlighting one charity per day through out the month of December. Thank you for your responses, and if you have a charity that you would like to highlight,…

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Personal Finance Bloggers Charity Spotlight

I’d like to encourage each of my fellow personal finance bloggers to create a post about their favorite charity.  Let’s see if we can create a list of good, quality charities, and maybe raise a little money for worthy causes. I’ll be back later with more information. –NCN