
My Personal Principles For Prosperity

Money Management: 1. I will create a practical, meaningful budget. 2. I will live below my means. 3. I will balance my checkbook. 4. I will organize my bills and my financial documents. Debt: 1. I will live without borrowing money. 2. I will live without using credit cards. 3. I will routinely check my credit report for errors. 4.…

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How I Avoid Arguing With My Spouse About Money

I am sitting down to do our budget for March. To be honest, we’ve been “coasting along” for the past two months, making a few “I want that” purchases. My wife and I talked about it last night, and we are both ready to “ramp it back up” and redo our budget. Here’s the process we go through for creating…

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Budget, Debt Story, Savings

How I Plan To STAY Out Of Debt

If you are debt free (or you plan to be debt free) then you know the freedom of not having monthly debt payments. But, your goal isn’t just to GET debt free, your goal is to STAY debt free. Here’s my plan for living a debt-free life: (First, a word about retirement: I save for retirement in my 403b account.…

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