Debt Reduction, Motivation

How To Stay Motivated While Getting Out Of Debt

Let’s be real.  The idea of getting out of debt sounds awesome.  The day-to-day grind of getting out of debt… not so much.

Here’s how to stay motivated while getting out of debt –

Celebrate Your Progress – Check those numbers and get excited about the amount of debt you have already paid off!  For our family, we are working to pay off our mortgage (update this week!) – and while our progress has been a little slower than we had hoped – we are 1/4 of the way there!  It’s super-motivating to see just how far we have come.

Connect With Others – This has been very important for our family.  (So much so, that I started No Credit Needed just to share our story with others.)  Whether it’s a family member, a friend or two, a group at church, or just a shout out on twitter (Shameless plug – Follow me @NCN and let me know how you are doing!) – find someone and share your journey with them.

Remember Why You Started – For me, my debt reduction journey began with the birth of my second child.  I was broke – even though I had been working since I was 15 – and I was scared.  My motivation was to provide a more secure financial future for my kids and our family.  Whenever I get frustrated with my progress, this motivation… well… motivates me!

getting out of debt

Set A Short-term Goal – If getting out of debt is going to take you several years, set a short-term goal.  Focus on making a few extra dollars via eBay, or making an extra micro-payment or two.  I’m always looking for ways to save a dollar or two – and I’ll often set short-term, month-long, goals.  Meeting these goals keeps me moving forward.

Get Some Exercise – This sounds weird, but focusing exclusively on our finances can be exhausting.  Unfortunately, entertainment can be exhausting – and sitting around the house watching television can lead to overeating – and overspending.  So, spend a day at the park, or a day at the lake, or a few hours on the bike.  Do something to change up your routine – and you just might change your attitude.

Do Some Giving – When getting out of debt, it was easy for me to become “me” focused.  So, I made it a point – and still do – to find ways to give-back, to my church, or to a friend, or to the community.  Helping others always motivates me to become a wiser and better financial steward, plus its a blessing to be a blessing.

Talk With Your Spouse – My wife is a constant source of encouragement.  When I’m feeling down – about finances or anything else – she’s always there with words of encouragement, reminding me of how hard we have worked and how far we have come.  Make a date with your spouse and dream-big about the future that you are working hard to secure.

Getting out of debt takes four things – money, a plan, determination…and time.  Let’s all keep moving forward!  You rock!  Be blessed.

1 thought on “How To Stay Motivated While Getting Out Of Debt

  1. This course work and infprmation is fantastic. I am learning so much. I want to be certified in this, put this into action and teach others.

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