
Spotlighting The Second Four Charities

The responses to my 2008 Charity Spotlight article just keep pouring in!  I want to thank those who have suggested charities, and encourage those who would like to participate to read the announcement article and then contact me!

You can read about the first four recommended charities here.

Blunt Money from Blunt Money writes Charity Spotlight Aliamos – an article about Aliamos, an Australian-based charity.

People can CHOOSE to donate money or time to a specific environmentally responsible and socially just project.

John from Curious Cat writes Funding Entrepreneurs – an article about Kiva, a site which helps you make micro-loans to people in developing countries.

I was happy when a new payment came in, not for the money being repaid (which shows again that my aim with this money is not a return for me but to provide opportunities to entrepreneurs), but for confirmation he was doing well.

Patti from Tightwad Wannabe recommends Hope House Children’s Respite Center.

At Hope House, parents of medically fragile children can find rest form the strain and exhaustion that result from providing constant care. It is a special place where the focus is on making medically fragile children feel at home while giving their parents a much-needed break.

Reader Gaming Girl suggests Child’s Play.

Since 2003, we’ve set up and organized Child’s Play, a game industry charity dedicated to improving the lives of children with toys and games in our network of over 40 hospitals worldwide.

I still have several charities to spotlight, but I don’t want to overwhelm you (or myself).  As always, before contributing money to any cause, do your own research, and then make your own decision about donating.

Again, if you would like to participate, please read the 2008 Charity Spotlight article and then contact me.