
The Mirror, The Magnifying Glass, And The Mountain Top

The Mirror –

The mirror serves two purposes. It reveals and it guides. As you look in a mirror, you see yourself, as you you really are. And, if you choose, you can use the mirror as a guide, to make changes to your appearance.

Have you taken a look in the ‘mirror’ lately? Are you dealing with your personal financial realities, or are you averting your eyes? I spent years, ignoring the reality of my financial situation. But, three years ago, I decided to take a good long look at myself, and my finances, and I really didn’t like what I saw. So, I decided to do something about ‘my look’. I decided to make some major changes. I decided to live on a budget, reduce my debt, invest in my future, and talk to my wife about money.

The Magnifying Glass –

Focus. Address. Buckle down. Concentrate. Dedicate. Direct. Condense. Boil Down. Center. Pay Attention. Notice.

The magnifying glass allows us to block out all other distractions, and focus our attention on the smallest of small details. If you are ready to get out of debt and change your financial future, you need to learn how to focus, to pay attention, to buckle down, and to concentrate on the small, important details associated with money management.

I learned to focus, every day, on the important decisions that can and do affect my family and our finances. By creating goals, I have learned to concentrate my efforts and pay attention to details. I cannot tell you how important it is to create a specific, achievable goal, and to focus all of your efforts towards achieving that goal.

The Mountain Top –

It only takes a few minutes, each day, of staring into the mirror, to get my hair combed and my tie straight. And, just a few more minutes to tie my shoes, check the lock on the door, and I’m ready for my day. As I get in my car, my mind isn’t on ‘how to turn the key’ or ‘how to shift the transmission’. No, my mind focuses on my destination – where I want to go.

The mountain top is our goal. We want financial independence – the ability to enjoy our retirement and to bless our children and others. So, while the mirror and the magnifying glass are important, they are simply tools, which help us plan for our ultimate destination, the mountain top.

I have big, big dreams. I dream of changing my entire family tree, for several generations to come. I dream of blessing my friends and family members, with financial blessings. I dream of helping others and giving my wife anything should could want. I dream of the mountain top. I know that I must deal with today’s reality and with today’s details, but I am always dreaming of tomorrow’s rewards. The work that I put in to day – the seeds I plant – will one day reap great rewards.

You are worth it. You are worth fifteen minutes in front of the ‘financial mirror’. You are worth two hours a week, taking the time to pour over your budget and your bills. You are worth the effort, because your effort will bring about a wonderful, blessed future – for yourself, your family, and for those about whom you care.

1 thought on “The Mirror, The Magnifying Glass, And The Mountain Top

  1. I find that the better I get at making a budget and paying down debt, the more I enjoy looking in that financial mirror and dreaming about that mountain top.

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