
I’m A Personal Finance Blog Junkie – Plus A Quick Stroll Through My Blogroll

I think I might have a problem – I’m addicted to reading personal finance blogs!  I read more than 100 pf blogs every week!  Why?  Well, I spent the first thirty years of my life “just getting by”.  Now, I take every opportunity to learn from others – and share in their stories.

Here are a few of my favorite posts from my fellow members of the Money Blog Network:

All Financial Matters writes about Jesse Jackson, sub-prime mortgages and the Marshal plan!

Mighty Bargain Hunter has a post about parents who do not plan to help their kids go to college.  Be sure to read the comments!

Get Rich Slowly writes about Sharebuilder – a unique discount brokerage.

Consumerism Commentary (and Get Rich Slowly) were recently mentioned over at CNN Money!  Rock on!

Blueprint has suggestions for how to consolidate your credit cards.

FiveCentNickel has written about the sub-prime mortgage bailout.

FreeMoneyFinance tackles the age-old question – 401K match or debt reduction?

Here are a few of my favorite posts from my Blogroll:

Bank Deals does an awesome job of keeping up with interest rates and checking account bonuses.

Canadian Capitalist has an awesome article about actively managed mutual funds.  Index ETFs Rock!

Clever Dude just paid off an automobile loan.

Hazzard has been building a lake-house.

Gen X has a poll – How Do You Track Your Finances?

Lazy Man is thinking about transferring his retirement funds to Zecco – should he?

Punny finds nothing funny about the recent sub-prime mess.

Mapgirl writes about networking.

4M says there’s no such thing as bad debt.  (Reminds me of a joke – What’s the best kind of snake? A dead one.)

Money Smart Life has suggestions for preparing for the new financial year.

My Two Dollars has written a post about the silly pay-per-mile tax.

Single Guy has made some major changes – in just 6 months!

SVB has written an article about compounding – the first million is the toughest.

Happy Rock suggests that we reduce debt when we divide and attack!

The Simple Dollar asks about peer pressure and it’s role in our success or failure.

Sun is looking for funds that beat the S&P 500.

See, I TOLD you I was a pf blog junkie!  Happy reading.  Our family is headed to Atlanta for the weekend.

10 thoughts on “I’m A Personal Finance Blog Junkie – Plus A Quick Stroll Through My Blogroll

  1. Pingback: Bad Debt » Blog Archive » I’mA Personal Finance Blog Junkie - Plus A Quick Stroll Through My …
  2. Pingback: Bad Debt » Blog Archive » I’m A Personal Finance Blog Junkie - Plus A Quick Stroll Through…
  3. I’ve been a PF Blog junkie recently as well, I stopped counting how many I go to each day. Yesterday was my cutback day and hopefully today won’t be as bad…

  4. Frugal Duchess..
    I usually highlight all of the sites on my blogroll, with my cursor, and open each one in a new tab. Then, I just click through, reading each one quickly, bookmarking the ones I want to re-read at a later date. Takes about 15 minutes to skim and then another 45 to go “in depth”.

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