
No Christmas Tree For Us? Plus – A Stroll Through My Blogroll

My wife and I have decided that we will not have a “big” Christmas tree this year.  We always go to visit family the week before Christmas, and then my wife and the kids stay with them for the week after Christmas.  So, for the 2 week period surrounding Christmas, we are not at home – and we really have no “need” for the family tree.  Instead, we are going to put a small tree in my daughter’s room and a small tree in my son’s tree.  The trees are about 2 feet tall and they have lights and homemade decorations.  (Having just gone through the trouble of cleaning out the playroom and the dining room, we just don’t feel like dragging out all of those decorations.)  Our kids are super-psyched about having “their own trees”.  Win, win, baby.

Here are some of my favorite posts from the past week –

Great articles from the Money Blog Network –

My friend JD, from Get Rich Slowly, is DEBT FREE!!!  Awesome, baby!

JLP, who always does a great job when explaining complex topics, has written a 2 part series about Total Market and Sector Investing.

FMF has a post about buying a car with cash.

MBH sees the same thing that I’ve been seeing lately – fewer shoppers at the big retail chains.

Nickel asks the question – What’s your favorite credit card? – Check the comments on his page for my answer!

Flexo has a funny post about how NOT to throw an office party.

Jim has an interesting idea – instead of money, how about “computer-time” allowance?

Great articles from my Blogroll –

Dawn, from Blogging Away Debt, has her $1000 emergency fund!  You rock!

David, in the super-honest post, reminds us all that the “grass is not always greener”.

GenX has a pretty cool “visual history” of the stock market.

Sun has information about a new dividend ETF.  (I buy ETFs in my Roth IRA – and I might take a closer look at this one.)

LazyMan is cranking up the alternative income.  Great job!

Money Smart Life has written a GREAT post about the dangers of Christmas Credit.

4M has an interesting post about looking for a new job.

SVB has an awesome post about cool piggy banks – all of which put my humble pickle jar to shame.

CFO has a cool recipe for homemade hot chocolate.  (Or, would that be a “hot” recipe?)

Clever Dude has reached “part 3” of the “what could you give up?” series.

Dawn has moved her site from blogger – and she reminds us to check our receipts.

4 thoughts on “No Christmas Tree For Us? Plus – A Stroll Through My Blogroll

  1. I love what you are doing here! I am working the Dave Ramsey plan; debt free and loving it!

    I’m also blogging to help people change their family tree!

    I subscribed to your blog via RSS so I can keep up because I really enjoy your articles.


  2. Pingback: No Christmas Tree For Us? Plus - A Stroll Through My Blogroll
  3. Thanks for the mention, NCN! I know you’re trying to lose weight and if you’re allowing some artificial sweetener in your diet, I think the recipe would work really well with Splenda. 😀

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