
Swamped! 2 Trailers Full And We Still Have More Stuff For The Yard Sale!

Wow.  My wife and I have been so busy this week, getting ready for the big yard sale on Saturday.  So far, I’ve filled up one covered trailer, one standard trailer, and the back of my pickup truck – and we STILL have stuff that we want to sell.  Basically, we are getting rid of anything that we don’t use (or plan to use in the next year).  This includes old clothes, old toys, several books, even an old lawn mower.  I detest “clutter” – and we keep our house pretty well organized – so I am AMAZED that we have so much stuff.

The new baby will be born in April (a little girl!) so we are cleaning out our dining room and re-purposing it as a nursery.  It’s good to get rid of the stuff we don’t use – and it will be fun to get newer stuff for the baby and the baby’s room.

Speaking of the baby, my wife had an ultrasound yesterday and the baby is doing well.  Right now, she weighs 13 ounces.  Isn’t that awesome?  My wife has had to deal with “morning sickness” – but she’s super excited about the new baby.  My daughter, 8, and my son, 3, cannot wait until April.  Of course, as you can tell, I’m over-the-moon happy about having the new baby – and it’ll be cool to bring her home to a newly organized, uncluttered home.

I am excited to announce that I received a cost-of-living pay increase at work.  I’m sitting down later tonight (when I have a few minutes) to write out my goals for 2008.  I’ll have a 2007 goals update in the next post.

4 thoughts on “Swamped! 2 Trailers Full And We Still Have More Stuff For The Yard Sale!

  1. That is an amazing amount of stuff. I don’t think we could fill one trailer with stuff we do not use. Of course we only moved into our home a year ago so things should start to pile up over time.

  2. Congrats! I’m also due in April with a little girl (our first child!) and we’re undergoing the “get rid of all the crap” part of nesting. Amazing how much crap two adults can accumulate, no?

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