Here are a few of my favorite articles from the past week.
From the Money Blog Network:
Get Rich Slowly has written about do-it-yourself home maintenance. (And yes, I’m still working on the playhouse!)
Five Cent Nickel presents the results of a poll he conducted about credit card limits.
Mighty Bargain Hunter has some suggestions for what you can do if you receive and unexpected financial windfall. Me? If I had debt, it would all go towards debt reduction. Out of debt? Into my savings account, post haste!
Free Money Finance has three 401k mistakes that you need to avoid. I use a 403b, but the principles are the same.
AllFinancialMatters has an interesting post about controlling your fears when investing in the stock market. I’ll admit, I’m new to investing and I’ve been bummed out watching my investments go up and down in value. But, I’m in it for the long haul.
Blueprint For Financial Prosperity talks about the ‘latte factor’ and $325 in cups of coffee. Thank goodness that I’m addicted to Diet Mountain Dew, instead!
Consumerism Commentary is in the middle of an awesome series about buying residential rental properties.
From my Blogroll:
Generation X Finance explains the recent volatility in the stock market.
Blogging Away Debt (still the best personal finance blog name in the whole world) writes about how to talk to credit card companies.
It’s Your Money has an awesome collection of Excel Spreadsheets that you can download and use to manage your finances.
Lazy Man and Money is thinking small and learning to save big.
Boston Gal’s Open Wallet has written an insightful post about people and what they really want to hear when you talk to them about personal finances.
The Sun’s Financial Diary is working on simplifying finances. If you read Sun’s work, you’ll be impressed by the amount of content included in each post. As an investing ‘newbie’, I’ve spent hours clicking through Sun’s archives.
Money Smart Life has written an excellent article about sales tactics and how to take back control of your paycheck.
Money, Matter, and More Musings had a very Seinfeldian Experience – one salary goes up, the other goes down – Even, Steven.
The Digerati Life saves money when on vacation by staying with friends and family – but warns against being a bad house-guest.
From my Bookmarks:
Unclutterer presents words to keep you motivated. I’ve just begun to read Uncluterrer and I’m quickly becoming a big fan.
Zen Habit has compiled a massive list of Getting Things Done resources. If you are a fan of the book, you’ll love these links.
Speaking of Getting Things Done(affiliate link), click here to read an interview with the book’s author, David Allen.