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Getting Back Into The Swing Of Things

I’ve been busy with “real-life” stuff that past two weeks and I haven’t had time to sit down and work on my websites.  Things are finally slowing down (just a bit) and I have some time to get back to blogging!

First, I want to say, “Thanks” to my buddy Nickel from Five Cent Nickel, Raising 4 Boys, and Sports Injury Info for helping me out with some “blogging issues”.  I found myself in need of some technical support, and Nickel came through like a champ!  Thanks, Nickel!  You rock!

Now, time for a few updates.  I’ll resume my regular posting schedule WEDNESDAY morning!  (Also, over at the NCN Network site, I have about FIFTY charts that need to be updated and uploaded.  Seriously, I’m about two weeks behind on all-things-blogging.  Podcast?  What podcast?)

First, a praise report.  Many of you will remember that I wrote a post about a young man in our area who was in an accident.  Well, I have terrific news.  He’s home, he’s doing very, very well, and he should FULLY recover.  I am amazed by excellent care that he received, the amount of people who prayed for him, and his miraculous recovery.  Praise the Lord!

Now, onto financial topics.  The summer months are extremely busy for me (and my family).  My daughter, who is a competitive gymnast, has practice four times a week.  (She recently competed at “nationals” and she won the overall national championship for her age and level!  Yay!)  So, my wife and I stay pretty busy running her back and forth, working with the kids at our church, and getting ready for next school year.  Needless to say, if you don’t have a budget (or spending plan) in place BEFORE things get hectic, you’re dead-in-the-water once things start moving.  Advice?  When you have “down time”… make use of it!  Get prepared BEFORE you have to deal with the pressure of 12-hour days.

I’ve got tons and tons to write about, but I’ll save most of it for future posts.  I’m glad to be back and I’ll (hopefully) be back to my regular posting schedule.