Have you seen this article yet? It seems that H&R Block (which provides TAX preparations services for a number of US citizens) filed its OWN taxes incorrectly. Check out this paragraph:
“That isn’?t the only hole H&R Block dug for itself. The tax-related goof and restatement will also drag down previously reported results for 2005 and 2004 by an estimated 9 cents a share, the company said.”
Is it just me, or is it ironic that a tax preparation company..messed up preparing it’s OWN taxes? Classic…
Also, go over to MyMoneyBlog and check out this unique calculator. It is a “rate-chaser” calculator, and it figures the benefits, if any, of moving your money from one bank to another, “chasing” a better rate. It tells you how many days it will take for you to recover the interest you lose when moving money from one bank to another. Just go check it out, he does a much, much better job of explaining it than I do.