This Week's Carnivals

Learn To Be Debt Free…Carnival of Debt Reduction

Hi, Welcome to the second ever Carnival of Debt Reduction.

Below, you will find posts from a variety of different personal finance bloggers. (PFBloggers for short). Click around, and I think you will find some very useful information about credit, credit scores, and getting out of debt. Thanks for stopping by.

First, check out this post at Fighting Debt  (Site no longer exists…)

The author is a young man, trying to get out of debt. This post is about a supposedly “beneficial” loan from his bank that turned out to be anything but. Click around his blog a bit, and check out his current financial situation.

Then, click on over to this post at Frugal For Life.
Dawn is the Queen of Saving Money! The very last part of her post is a great reminder to everyone who is in love with the idea of borrowing, borrowing, borrowing. Dawn’s site is just FILLED UP with good information. You will find hours and hours of good things to read at her site.

Okay, now that you’ve been inspired and informed, check out Blue Print For Financial Prosperity.
This article deals with the effects on personal credit cards when you carry a balance on a zero percent card. Great stuff, with links back and forth between various sites and points of view. Blue Print is one of my favorite blogs, and Jim deals with much, much more than just getting out of debt.

Now, time to click on over to My Money Blog.
What a great piece on the dangers of online pay-day loans. This blog is updated regularly, and the information provided is always entertaining and informative. (Check out the right hand side of the page, and you can track “My Money’s” progress!)

Back so soon? Well, check out Five Cent Nickel.
Good old “Five Cent” decides to take on the one and only Dave Ramsey!
This article points our some of the “mathematical” flaws in Dave Ramsey’s plan. If you want personal finance “musings” that will make you think, you have to check out “Five Cent”.

One of the largest personal finance blogs out there is next. Click here to head to Free Money Finance.
This is a great site for all things “finance”. This particular article references and inspiring tale of someone who was in debt, and decided to DO something about it. Please, you will do yourself a favor if you spend some time checking out the fmf site.

All of the above articles were submitted to me for the Carnival, and I am very pleased to host them. Here below, I will list a link to an article I wrote, and to several of my favorite posts from various sites. Thanks again for stopping by, and be sure to click, click, click!

Okay, here is my favorite post that I have written. It keeps me motivated and I like to revisit it from time to time! No Credit Needed.

Consumerism Commentary has an article on free credit reports.
Credit Card Victim has a post about credit card myths.
Defying Debt in 2 Years has this really, really funny
Hello, Dollar! presents an article about interest rate basics. (“Hello, Dollar!” HAS to be the best pf blog title of them all. So cool)
Me Against The Credit Cards talks about financial struggles and issues. A really, personal blog. Great stuff.
Mighty Bargain Hunter suggests a … Carnival of Debt ACCUMULATION … I shall have no part in it, I say, NO PART!
Smart Money Daily has this post from WAAY back in February that I love.
Stop Buying Crap (the 2nd best pf blog title in the land) has this post about credit card origins.

Well, that about does it. You should have plenty of clicking to do for the next few ours. (Don’t let your boss catch you!)

You can click over to Mighty Bargain Hunter for a schedule for the Carnival of Debt Reduction.
Free Money Finance will host next week!

Update: Thanks for all of the emails, and thanks to all who are checking out the Carnival. Also, thanks to for the mention.