
REAL Deals I USE Everyday

Okay, I spend a ton of time searching the web for bargains. I visit sites like,, and These sites have tons of great links for bargains, deals, freestuff, and forums for sharing money-saving ideas. However, here are a few things that I have done recently to save money on monthly, on-going expenses.

Unlimited long distance for 23.99 from MCI. This is a rarely publicized deal that gives me unlimited in and out of state long distance for less than 30 dollars (with taxes a fees). In fact, I am not sure if MCI even has this plan. Last I checked they offered a similar plan for 27.99. Still, a great deal.

Visa check-card bonus points. With all of the bonus points associated with credit cards, its great to find a place where I get points for using my check-card (debit card.) You get points when you use your card LIKE a credit card (without punching in your pin number.) Just hit CREDIT when you use your card, and you can sign just like a credit card. Great little program. Check it out.

Awesome DSL service from our little local company. 1 meg speed for less than 50 bucks a month, fixed for the next 12 months. We live in a VERY rural area, and very few people here have DSL. I was paying almost 70 bucks for 512mb, and now I get twice the speed for 20 bucks less. YAY.

Cotton States auto insurance. I have been with Cotton States and my local agent for 15 years. I get great insurance on 3 relatively new cars for less than 1200 bucks a year. Their service and support is so good, I never even shop around. Oh yeah, I had a ticket 2 years ago, and my premiums were never adjusted upwards. Great Company! (Find a local agent…)

Using a local mom-and-pop garage to buy my gas and have my oil changed. Sure, they charge a little more to fill your tank, but they wash your windows, check your tire pressure, etc. I once ran out of gas, and our local guy came, brought me 5 bucks worth of gas, and didn’t even charge me. It pays to be loyal to your local folks.