
Credit Cards On Pause

When my wife and I decided to get out of debt, we did three things. First, we created a simple to use zero-based budget. Second, we established an emergency fund. Third, we stopped using our credit cards. Essentially, we put them on pause. We didn’t cancel them and we didn’t cut them up.  Instead, we simply stopped using them. Here…

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Debt Reduction Takes Attitude

Over at Money Smart Life, there’s a great article about personality traits and how they can help pay off debt.  I particularly like Miranda’s take on the importance of patience – Sometimes, it’s not about the impetuous and grand gesture. Sometimes it’s about patiently sticking to your plan for the next three years. It can be hard to keep moving…

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Personal Finance Books For The New Year

January, with its New Year’s resolutions, is just around the corner. Now is a great time to read a couple of personal finance books, dust off the old calculator, and get prepared for an awesome 2013. Personal finance books make for great gifts, too! Below, you will find links to my favorite books about personal finance. Each one, in its…

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