I hope that you have a blessed and happy New Year!
2012 was an interesting year for me and my family. On a personal level, it was one of the most fulfilling years of my life. I have been encouraged in my professional and spiritual life – and I am very excited about 2013.
Blogging has changed a lot since I started No Credit Needed back in 2005. I started the site over at “blogger” – and at that time, there were only a handful of us writing about our personal finances. Now, there are thousands of sites – many posting multiple articles per week – with amazing content.
2013 promises to be a year of opportunities and challenges. With the recent changes in our economy, I feel stronger than ever that debt reduction is a worthy topic for coverage. I’ll do my best to continue to write easy-to-understand content – and link to awesome resources and websites.
Thanks so much for you continued readership. You rock!