Here are a few of my favorite articles from the Money Blog Network –
Wise Bread suggests using a zero-based budget.
Mighty Bargain Hunter takes a look back at his new year’s resolutions.
Get Rich Slowly has an interesting post about transitioning from debt to savings.
Free Money Finance reminds us of the importance of having a will.
Five Cent Nickel lists some common tax deductions (and some uncommon ones).
Here are a few of my favorite articles from my Blogroll –
GenX reminds us of the need for disability insurance.
LazyMan continues to crank up his alternative income.
Money Smart Life is tired of all those boxes, bags, and bins from the grocery store.
SVB suggests this very simple investment portfolio.
Sun connects you with some bonus money.
My Two Dollars lists some ways to save money when you have pets.
Paid Twice is hosting this week’s Carnival of Personal Finance – football edition.
Broke Grad Student is hosting this week’s Carnival of Debt Reduction – football edition.