Here are a few of my favorite posts from my fellow members of the Money Blog Network –
All Financial Matters writes about the 10 highest-yielding stocks of the Dow.
Blueprint suggests that Blu-Ray will defeat HD-DVD. (I recently purchased an HDTV, but I’m waiting to purchase a high-definition DVD player.)
Flexo has a cool article about the new presidential dollar coins.
Nickel has some thoughts on the airport bookstore’s Buy It, Read It, Return It program. (He’s not all that impressed.)
Free Money Finance asks, How Much Do You Pay Your Babysitter? (When my wife goes back to work in August, we’ll have 2 kids in daycare.)
Get Rich Slowly has ideas for taking control of your finances in 2008.
MBH was impressed by Larry Winget’s You’re Broke Because You Want To Be. (I need to buy this book.)
Here are a few of my favorite posts from some of the blogs in my Blogroll –
Gen X reminds us to think long-term when making investment decisions. (I actually PRINTED out a copy of this post and put it on my bulletin board. Great, great post!)
Money Smart Life has a post about eBay and self-employment taxes. Uncle Sam wants his cut.
The Digerati Life has a great post – filled with debt-reduction strategies.
Paid Twice continues the awesome Tell All Tuesday Series.
Lazy Man And Money has been doing an awesome job building alternative income.
My Two Dollars has an interesting weekly feature – Money Quote Friday – check it out.