
If You Get Your Paycheck A Few Weeks Early – Be Careful!

My wife is an educator and she normally gets her paycheck on the last day of each month. But, in November and December, she gets her paycheck a couple of weeks early, due to the fact that school will be out for Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. In the past, we would look forward to this “early money”, because we were…

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Interesting Reads – A Stroll Through My Blogroll

Here are a few of this week’s best articles from the Money Blog Network: AllFinancialMatters asks “Should we give $500 to every newborn?“. Blueprint computes whether using a 401K to save for a house is better than using  a regular brokerage account. Consumerism Commentary has 10 easy ways to save money. Nickel writes about Zecco – a company that let’s…

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