
Online Sales Circular Allows Users to Find Offline Bargains:

I’m a big fan of online shopping, but from time to time, I need to make an old fashioned ‘offline’ purchase.  Enter one of my favorite bargain sites:  Simply click on your state and then on a product category and Salescircular will give you a list of weekly deals from major offline retailers.  While on vacation this summer, I was looking for an inexpensive mp3 player.  I went to, clicked on Florida, and found a 1gb generic player for 29.99.  I only use this site a few times a year, but I keep it in my bookmarks, just in case.  Check it out.  By the way, this is NOT an affiliate post.  I just really like the site and I thought you might find it to be useful.

Another site, SundaySaver, provides links to several major retailers and their sales circulars.  Pretty interesting concept.