This Week's Carnivals

The Personal Finance Carnivals

The (major) personal finance related blog carnivals are all up.  I hope you’ll take some time to check them out.

Carnival of Personal Finance is at Blueprint for Financial Prosperity.

Carnival of Debt Reduction is at Debt Hater.

Festival of Frugality is at The Simple Dollar. 

If you are new to blog carnivals, here’s the deal:  Various bloggers submit articles, a single blog will list links to those articles, and the carnival moves from blog to blog on a weekly basis.  Got it?  Good.

I want to thank my fellow personal finance bloggers for hosting the carnivals.

Looking for more personal finance blogs?  Check out (ad-free) and (ad-supported).

Looking for more information about each carnival?  Check out:

Carnival of Personal Finance

Carnival of Debt Reduction

Festival of Frugality