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Personal Finance: Getting Ready For 2007: Part 3

Here is “Part 3” of my “to-do” list for the end of 2006. I want to be prepared for 2007. Click here to read parts 1 and 2.

14. Take pictures of valuable items. To better prepare for a disaster (fire, flood, earthquake, etc.) I like to take pictures of the various valuable items in my home. Items include, but are not limited to, fine china, computers, home electronics, furniture, jewelry, etc. In the event of an insurance claim, a picture can be invaluable. (Pictures should be stored at a location away from your primary residence. Online storage would be great, too.)

15. Create a folder for device manuals. Do you have a lawnmower, a vacuum cleaner, a laptop, or a treadmill? Then you probably have a manual that came with it. Create a folder for your manuals, and you’ll know where they are when you need them. (Many manuals can be downloaded from the internet. So, if you’ve lost one, look online!)

16. Clean out my coupon collection. I am a complete dork. I like to shop for groceries. And, I like to find good bargains. So, I have a TON of coupons, and they need organizing. You can find coupon-organizers, but I just use an index-card box. It works just fine and it cost about a quarter.

17. Defrost / clean freezer. We have a frost-free refrigerator and freezer, but it still needs to be cleaned out, at least once every 3 or 4 months. I like to get rid of any unused meat, old veggies, and those little bits and pieces that inevitably gum up the works.