
Cash Only Experiment

Well, I know that I have always believed that I spend less money when I have cash on-hand than I would when I used a credit OR debit card. So, I am going to put my “money” where my mouth is, literally. We have already paid our monthly bills, so I do not need to use my debit card or my check-book this month. I am going to see just how far I can stretch my cash on-hand. I currently have 260 dollars in my wallet (see super-dorky-nerd-chart below.) I will update daily on just how much I spend, and we can see how far I can STRETCH my 260 dollars. My wife will get some of it, and I will get the rest. I’ll have the breakdown tomorrow, after we have our budget talk tonight. (You and your spouse have a monthly budget talk, right? Good.) Without further ado, here’s the most awesome chart you will ever see, featuring actual pictures of the actual aforementioned cash money. Holla… Dork!

Edit: Wow, less than 2 hours after this post, my wife and I were asked out to supper by some friends. We very seldom eat out, and it was just for fast food, but I have already used 20 dollars of my 260 dollars, leaving me with 240 dollars for the rest of the month. OUCH! (Oh yeah, the 20 dollars was for me, my wife, and our 2 kids.)

Edit 2: What a weekend! First we go out to supper for the first time in ages, and then we end up working at our daughter’s gymnastics competition. We had to work the concession stand, and I think that I ate MORE than the stand made. We are down another 48 dollars, with a balance of 192. Hmmm…at this rate, we will have absolutely no money left by say…NEXT WEEKEND! Time to put the brakes on and really, really pinch pennies this week. Can you say “brown-bag”?

If you are here from the Carnival of Personal Finance, welcome! I will be hosting the Carnival of Debt Reduction next week, so stop back by. Also, check the links at the top right of the page to check out my podcast and the all new NCN Network!