Emergency Fund

Back From a Week Off…Emergency Fund

Okay…so, I was gone for a week with a camp for some local kids. We had a great time and we are exhausted. So, quick update before we get some much needed shut-eye. We had a major emergency this past week with our mini-van. Something broke under the hood, and it cost 600 dollars to fix. In the past, we…

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Money Management

Money…A Strange Thing

I have always been fascinated money. Not with what money can buy necessarily, but with the idea of money ITSELF. The fact that there exists this thing called “money” and I can give it to you for a good or a service, and you will accept it, and give me the good or service…this is so “strange” to me. Why?…

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Super-Big Post

Time to get caught up. First off, I have been super-sick for two weeks, and have felt like total junk. I have a summer cold, and it is totally killing my sinuses. Awful pain and hurt, plus throat pain and soreness. Anywho, I am almost over it, and am ready to jump head-first into my debt re-payment plans. We had…

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