Saving Money

Satellite Radio(s)

I am a big-time satellite radio fan. We live in a rural community, and we do not receive any local talk-radio stations. I LOVE talk radio. My favorite shows are…

  • Tony Kornheiser Show: SportsTalk 980 Washinton, DC and XM Channel 152
  • Dave Ramsey Show: At his website, on XM, and on Sirius
  • Covino and Rich: Maxim Radio 145 on XM
  • Mike and Mike in the Morning: Espn Radio on the net, AM stations, XM, and Sirius
  • Car Talk: NPR Radio and on Sirius

So, a few years ago I signed up for XM radio. I love it. Then, this past September, I purchased a Sirius receiver for my father-in-law but he was not interested. So, now I have both. They offer just enough different programming that I like having both services. I have a 1 year contract with each of them. I am hoping that they will consolidate before my subscription runs out, and I can have all of the shows I like via one service.

All of this leads to my latest project…I am installing both of the receivers in one car so that I can switch back and forth. This will be a custom install. This is the first time I have ever attempted something like this. Check back in a few days to see picks (hopefully) of my finished project.

Before I go, you might wonder WHY I am posting this here? Well, I have found that I spend less money, and eat less food if I keep my mind and hands occupied with a real, tangible task. This is my task for the next few weeks.