
Mortgage Payoff Progress for December 2012 with Chart

My wife and I moved in to our new home in February of 2010. We have a conventional, fixed-rate, 15-year mortgage.  We recently reduced the interest rate on our mortgage. Our goal is to pay it off our mortgage in less than ten total years. As of December, we have made 33 regular, monthly mortgage payments. We have also made…

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Saving Money, Video

Plant A Garden

Last year, I planted a small garden. Throughout the spring and summer, we had fresh strawberries, butter beans, and onions. This year, I plan to expand my garden.  I will be adding a couple of raised beds – and trying my hand at growing watermelons, potatoes, and assorted beans. My goal is to be healthy – and frugal.  Here are…

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Family, Resources

Travel With A Plan

I love the beach. When I retire, I want to live where 50 degrees is considered “cold weather” – and I can rock flip-flops 300 days a year. As it stands right now, a couple of trips to the beach each summer will have to do, seeing as how my wife and I have jobs, three kids, a mortgage, and…

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