Cash, Family, Money Management

What Works For Me – Combining Our Finances

My wife and I have been married for almost thirteen years.  For that entire time, even before we got serious about managing our money, we believed in combining our finances.  Here’s our simple system and what works for us. Our Combined Finances – Checking Accounts – We have one, joint, primary checking account.  My wife and I can both write…

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Debt Reduction

Maximize The Power Of Micro-Payments

I am a big fan of micro-payments. If you are unfamiliar with the term, a little background information might help.  Back in 2005, while working to pay off my debt, I decided to try a little experiment.  Instead of sending just one payment to my credit card company each month, I started to send several.  I called these small payments…

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Debt Reduction, Guide, Money Management

Next Month Syndrome

There was a time when I was infected with a terrible condition – Next Month Syndrome When my credit card bill came in the mail, I would make a promise to myself – Next month, I’m going to do better. When I reached for my credit card to make ends meet, I would promise myself – Next month, I’m going…

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